What are the HOA fees and what do they cover?
The Greens is a sub-association within the gated community of Kissing Camels Estates. Therefore, all Greens homeowners pay dues to both Kissing Camels Property Owners Association and to The Greens POA. KCPOA covers security officers, gates and fencing, some common area landscaping, and maintenance of most roads within the community. The dues in The Greens are currently $1770 per quarter for homes and $531 for undeveloped lots. These dues cover almost all exterior maintenance, landscaping and insurance. The most current budget showed the following dues allocations:
Landscaping, irrigation and maintenance of the irrigation system – 48%
Structure maintenance – 8%
Management, administration and legal fees – 10%
Snow removal – 4%
Reserves – 10%
Each year The Greens Board prepares a budget for the following year. During that preparation expenses are compared to the cost of maintaining similar sized homes in Kissing Camels. Because The Greens is able to negotiate for services as a group our costs are consistently lower than the fees for similar services for the same size homes outside The Greens. Also, at the annual meeting each year all homeowners are given an opportunity to inspect, question and approve (or disapprove) the budget.